Why is the kitchen sink often under a window? Satisfy your curiosity here.
Why is the kitchen sink under a window? For centuries, kitchen sinks have always been under windows, and no one exactly seems to know why. In today’s homes, there are several good and practical reasons why one places the kitchen sink under a window in kitchens that have the space. Satisfy your curiosity here, and see how Shore-Line Construction can help you if you are looking for a new construction home.
The most practical reason that the kitchen sink sits under a window is to make plumbing more efficient. It is easier to access water pipes for the sink, dishwasher, and refrigerator when they sit along an exterior wall. The plumber can access the water lines under the sink and from outside or under the house. This design can also connect the interior plumbing with an exterior water faucet with the least distance possible between each faucet and water line connection. If the kitchen sink were located on the opposite wall, you would likely have to run a pipeline under the kitchen floor.
Natural Light
The second most practical reason for putting a kitchen sink under a window is to have the most light when doing the dishes without relying on electricity. Why turn on the lights when you can have natural light shining into your kitchen sink for free? Anyone using the sink to wash dishes or prepare meals can do it anytime of day without costing electricity.
Scenic View
Who wants to stare at a wall or stoop under an upper cabinet when using the kitchen sink? Your overall experience can be much more pleasant when you have a scenic view. The worth of this view could depend on your location and house design. For example, if you live in a Maryland waterfront home, you will likely want to take as much advantage of the view as you can. Since a window above the kitchen sink is tradition, why not keep it in a waterfront custom home?
At Shore-Line Construction, we know that your home is a reflection of you. That’s why we strive to make each home we build as beautiful as the family who will live there. We work with each of our clients to design a home that fits their needs. The end result is a durable, energy-efficient custom home that the family will enjoy for generations to come. Shore-Line Construction has been serving our customers for over 25 years, and we look forward to the opportunity to help you!
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