Keep Your Home Cool in Summer without the AC

Keep Your Home Cool in Summer without the AC

In the summer heat, your home can stay cool even without the AC!

Maryland is experiencing a heatwave! Every year, you are likely to run into at least a season of hot and humid weather. In this area, it can feel like over 100 degrees! It is in times like these that new construction homes need to perform their best, keeping interiors cool without racking up the energy bill. While your home should be fitted with an appropriately sized and rated air conditioner, there are ways to keep your home cool in summer without the AC.

Ways to Keep Your Home Cool without the AC

Blackout Curtains

Natural light is wonderful to have, but to lower your home’s indoor temperature, you can use curtains to block out the light and thus block out some heat. Blackout curtains are the best kind to use because of their thickness. Thermal curtains can work the same way.

Electric Fans

While they will eat into your electric bill a bit, electric fans are also great tools to keep your home cool in summer. You can use ceiling fans, floor fans, and box fans. If you need to take some warm air outdoors, you can prop a box fan in a window and have it face outward.

Exhaust Fans

Steam from your cooking and showering will contribute to the home’s temperature. It’s best to use those exhaust fans to be smart about energy efficiency. Plus, you’ll get rid of excess steam in the bathroom and food smells in the kitchen.

A Summer Diet

Avoid using the oven and any heavy cooking in summer, especially on the hottest days. You will keep yourself cool by eating and drinking cold foods and beverages.

Exterior Shade

Thoughtful landscaping will add shade to your property and thus reduce the amount of direct sunlight that hits your home. Shady trees help significantly reduce energy usage in summer.

An Energy-Efficient Home Design

It is amazing how much energy you can save when you begin with an ingenious home design. Shore-Line Construction knows how it’s done in Maryland! For some additional tips, read here!


At Shore-Line Construction, we know that your home is a reflection of you. That’s why we strive to make each home we build as beautiful as the family who will live there. We work with each of our clients to design a home that fits their needs. The end result is a durable, energy-efficient custom home that the family will enjoy for generations to come. Shore-Line Construction has been serving our customers for over 25 years, and we look forward to the opportunity to help you!

If you’re interested in learning more about what Shore-Line Construction can do for you, check out our website or give us a call at 410-574-6623. Keep up with all of the latest news by following our blog and social media pages on Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Houzz.

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